Going to school or college is a very enriching and exciting thing that one can do in their life. It can also be very difficult at the same time. In college, their are so many things that is going on that sometimes it may be somewhat hard to take in everything, as the mind can only do so many things at once. Some of the things that will go on in a college setting are: listening to lectures for what may seem like hours, taking tons and tons of pages of seemingly tedious notes, doing class projects, reading endlessly, studying for upcoming tests and exams, making new friends and socializing, and some students may even have a job that they must go to pay for their student loans and tuition and other expenses, like room and board, food, gas, and the list goes on and on. So it's not hard to see how ones grades could suffer if not taken control of. Getting good grades in college is not always as difficult as many people may think, as long as they are willing to work hard, focus and prioritize. Here are 10 ways that a person can get good grades in college:
1. Study Hard. It may sound reiterated, but studying hard will usually pay off. Focus mainly on the key points and don't spend too much time on the points that are not or will not be needed.
2. Prioritize. Classes and studying should come before partying and having fun. There's nothing wrong with incorporating that, just make sure that your class work is done and out of the way first.
3. Visualize yourself making nothing but straight A's and work toward it.
4. Try not to work more than 16 hours if possible. The less, the better while you're a student.
5. Get adequate sleep the night before school, so you can be awake and refreshed the next day.
6. Don't over-exert yourself when trying to learn or study.
7. Do as many classes and class workload that you can handle. Don't put too much on your plate than you can handle.
8. Make class enjoyable and fun to be in.
9. An extracurricular activity or two may help you to enjoy school better.
10. Seek help from a teacher or counselor if needed.
another guide for College: Finish College Fast
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